
大型水泥浮雕 冬季施工注意事项
作者:管理员    发布于:2019-09-07 23:25:27    文字:【】【】【

大型水泥浮雕 冬季施工注意事项?冬季来临,伴随着冰冻和雨雪天气的到来,冬季大型水泥雕塑施工有哪些注意事项呢?

What should we pay attention to in winter construction of large-scale cement sculpture? With the coming of winter, with the arrival of freezing and snow weather, what precautions should be taken in the construction of large-scale cement sculptures in winter?


1. During the winter construction of large-scale cement sculpture project, the cement mortar used should adopt the measures of heat preservation and frost protection. For example, when admixtures are added, the amount of admixtures should be determined by laboratory tests.


2. Before the construction of large-scale indoor cement sculpture, the entrance and window should be sealed, the edge of the entrance and window, the foot, eye or hole of the external wall should be blocked, the construction entrance, entrance and stairwell should be sealed and insulated, and the ambient temperature of indoor plastering should not be lower than 5 degrees C; after the completion of indoor cement mortar project, the indoor temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees C. After 7 days, the indoor temperature should be maintained.


3. Cement mortar surface layer of large-scale cement sculpture Engineering should not be constructed in rainy and snowy days. Covering measures should be taken when it rains or snows in the middle of construction, such as adding straw curtain to prevent freezing.


4. In the construction of large-scale indoor cement sculpture, when the temperature is below 5 degrees C, a stove (with good smoke exhaust or smokeless fuel) or a tungsten iodide lamp can be set up to warm appropriately, but a special person must be appointed on duty, equipped with appropriate fire-fighting equipment, and pay close attention to preventing gas poisoning and fire.


5. Safety facilities for construction personnel should be in place, and safety belts and safety hats should be in place. In order to prevent construction personnel from falling, full-time caregivers should be arranged. For large-scale cement sculpture projects involving high-altitude operations, it is necessary to wear professional safety suits.


标签:孔子 浮雕



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