
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-27 08:43:29    文字:【】【】【



    Digging in the Northern Wei Emperor Xiaowen years, after the Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty continuous large-scale construction of more than 400 years old, 1 km long from north to south, this being Kukan 2345, respected more than 100000 statues, inscriptions 2800. Among them "dragon two goods" is the essence of calligraphy rubbings, Chu suiliang book "yique shrines monument" is the apotheosis of the art of the regular script in the early Tang Dynasty.


    Longmen Grottoes lasted for a long time, spanning multiple dynasties, with a lot of physical image and text data from different sides reflects the development and change of the ancient Chinese politics, economy, religion and culture in many areas, has made a significant contribution to the innovation and development of Chinese Grotto Art.


    Longmen Grottoes is the Northern Wei, Tang Royal and noble vow statues is the most concentrated place, is the embodiment of the will and the behavior of the Royal, with a strong religious color.


    The Northern Wei Dynasty advocate people to lean to the United States, therefore, the Buddha also pursue xiugu Qing like art style. And people in the Tang Dynasty to fat for the United States, so the Tang Dynasty Buddha face rounded, broad shoulders, chest uplift, carving lines of clothes use circular blade, natural and smooth. The Buddhist world that fills up a peaceful color ideal expression of the most incisive. The bronze statue embodies the Datang Empire powerful material force and spiritual strength to the Longmen Grottoes continues for a long time, spanning multiple dynasties, the geographical position is superior, the beautiful natural scenery, it is difficult to compare the many caves.

    龙门石窟是北魏、唐代皇家贵族发愿造像最集中的地方,是皇家意志和行为的体现,具有浓厚的国家宗教色 彩。两朝的造像反映出迥然不同的时代风格,北魏造像在这里失去了云冈石窟造像粗犷、威严、雄健的特征,而生活气息逐渐变浓,趋向活泼、清秀、温和。这些北魏造像,脸部瘦长,双肩瘦削,胸部平直,衣纹的雕刻使用平直刀法,坚劲质朴。

    Longmen Grottoes is the Northern Wei, Tang Royal and noble vow statues is the most concentrated place, is the embodiment of the will and the behavior of the Royal, with strong religious color color. Two Dynasty statues reflect different style of the times, the Northern Wei Dynasty statues here lost Yungang grotto rough, majesty, vigorous characteristic, and breath of life becomes denser and denser. Tends to be lively, delicate and gentle. The Northern Wei Dynasty statues, slender face, thin shoulders, chest, straight, straight lines of clothes with carving knife, strong rustic.


    In the Northern Wei Dynasty carving of the many caves, in the hole, and the hole in Binyang Lianhua cave, cave temples caves are most representative value. The hole on the Northern Wei moved are statues of Luoyang in the early years of a group of nobles and royal court minister, typically reflect the Northern Wei Dynasty national worship of Buddhism history of modality. These strange shapes, an array of stone works of art, is precious records of the syncretism of Chinese traditional culture and foreign cultures.


    The Northern Wei Dynasty advocate people to lean to the United States, therefore, the Buddha carved statues also pursue xiugu Qing like art style. And people in the Tang Dynasty to fat for the United States, so the Tang Dynasty Buddha face rounded, broad shoulders, chest uplift, carving lines of clothes use circular blade, natural and smooth. The Longmen Grottoes statues of the Tang Dynasty inherited the fine traditions of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and derive the Han nationality culture, created a vigorous vivid and simple and natural style of realistic, reached the peak of Buddha carving art. The key cave in Longmen Grottoes in the Tang Dynasty, the grand scale, of great momentum of Losana niche of the most famous sculptures.


    The basis "Kegon" carved cliff type niche for a statue of Buddha, with generous, bearing extraordinary Lu happen the Buddha as the center, uses the texture of a week extremely rich modality image art group, the Buddhist world that is full of auspicious color of ideal expression of incisively and vividly. This group of statues embodies the powerful material and spiritual strength of the Tang Empire, and shows the highest achievement of the Tang Dynasty carving art.




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