
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-29 09:37:56    文字:【】【】【


    The origin and application of cement sculpture materials: when people began to build houses with stone, they created the adhesive in practice.. Early society used clay as binder, and ancient Egyptians used limestone as binder to build Pyramid; the ancient Greeks continued to use this binder and carried out the promotion.

    But the invention of the cement were the ancient Romans. They are with lime and water mixed reaction producing cement, is also worth mentioning is similar with this advanced construction technology has in Mexico and Central America appears.

    After the Rome Empire to decline, this technology lost. Until 1756, a British engineer John. Smeaton through the limestone and clay in certain proportion mixed invented hydraulic cement. In 1824, another British civil engineers week plug. Deen by mixing a certain proportion of limestone and clay, and on the ground of grinding and calcination, and finally invented hydraulic cement and applied for a patent.

    He called his product Portland cement (Portland cement, Portland cement) because when the cement harden, the color will be like the limestone Portland, the British. 1871 Kre, Pennsylvania, Portland cement by David, first put into production for the first time in music loan.

    Soon, the first rough combustion chamber of cement production was born.. Then, a famous British engineer rich. Jean Simu invented the specialized in cement kiln, and applied for a patent greatly promote the development of industrial technology. Thomas Edison developed a cement kiln, which resulted in the application of concrete as building materials and the increasing of the works of concrete.

    Come to have a look around us, Zhengzhou glass and steel sculpture from the public square of colourful concrete to small hills on the concrete sculpture, you will find once had only been used as building materials of concrete, has now become a can be most people use it to express art should use a wide range of materials, to show the concrete works of your yard and garden decoration; if we ignore the presence of concrete, you may regret it for the rest of my life.






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