
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-07-09 12:46:47    文字:【】【】【


    The relief sandstone background wall is more and more popular, the sandstone relief art background wall, brings you the new decoration tide.

    For sandstone relief art background wall, I believe all of you to know more is made of glass, metal, and the wall paper of, and manufacture of Gold Orchid grass embossed company recommended for everyone is an artificial sandstone television background wall. This kind of background wall is elegant and fashionable, style can be free to choose.

    For the sandstone relief art background wall, the choice of materials, now on the market circulation of more natural sandstone, mainly import and domestic this two kinds, in the domestic, better to Yunnan sandstone. As for the import of sandstone material, of course, is a relatively good Australian sandstone.

    Sandstone relief art background wall, the choice of products, it can be said that is in texture, price, color, function than the same kind of sandstone products better, but also can let sandstone in different style embodies the following different collocation, can meet the different tastes, which also led to the industry a new sandstone decoration trend has been driven up.

    The expressive force and the plasticity of the sandstone products made are very good, but also is widely used in indoor and outdoor, as lighting technology, art furniture, craft ornaments, environmental and other relief in many aspects. In addition to the above aspects, the sandstone relief art background wall products have also added a lot of highlights in the design.

    In fact, the main material of the sandstone relief art background wall is the quartz sand, but also through the mould pressing and forming. In terms of color, at least you can make 10 kinds of different shades, sandstone relief art background wall products are inorganic materials, environmental protection, and it was sure to say is no pollution, product safety, for this kind of product, and a maximum advantage, that is the products, materials, and natural Australian sandstone material very close to, so the quality of course will be guaranteed. You can also be understood as one of the best in the domestic sandstone product.






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